HDF centre for Development Action and Research (cDAR) is committed to achievement of Human Development Goals as enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals and NITI Ayog.
About HDF cDAR
Development Action and Research (HDF-cDAR) is a not-for-profit organization striving to excel as think and action tank with humanitarian spirit. It originated from Human Development Foundation Trust founded by a group of young professionals, with a view to address the socio-economic problems emanating in the state and the country as a whole.
HDF-cDAR has relentlessly persevered to bring together academicians, development thinkers and practitioners’ in-order to forge participatory development. Through initiatives such as promotion of critical mass, encouragement of shared leadership and fostering responsive governance system, HDF cDAR has successfully steered people’s growing assertion to own governance. HDF cDAR has undertaken programmatic interventions with overarching focus on education, health, livelihood and governance. Its activities are supplemented by research, evidence based advocacy and action programmes to set up model institutions and demonstration projects involving traditional and emerging knowledge and technologies.
Development Action and Research (HDF-cDAR) is a not-for-profit organisation striving to excel in its aspiration of being a think and action tank with a humanitarian spirit. It originates from Human Development Foundation Trust founded by a group of young professionals, registered in 2007 with a view to addressing the problems relating to socio-economic development of the state and the country as a whole. Originally the HDF Trust was operating under two wings, such as Academic Programme Wing with a Management of School (SoM) and Centre for Development Action and Research (cDAR) having different activities such as development actions, research, advocacy, training and capacity building in the areas of health, education, livelihood and governance respectively. Subsequently the cDAR wing of HDF got itself registered as separate Trust in the year 2013 December.