Odisha Environment Congress

Odisha Environment Congress (OEC), first launched in the year 2010 by HDF-cDAR, Centre for Environment and Development (CED), Thiruventhapuram and Regional Museum of Natural History (RMNH) has become an annual scientific event in Odisha.

The Odisha Environment Congress (OEC) is going to hold its 15th edition on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd December, 2024 at Berhampur University, Berhampur, Odisha.  Started in the year 2010 as an annual scientific and civil-society event on environment, the OEC has been providing a unique opportunity to academicians, researchers, scientists, planners, policymakers, students, practitioners, community members, and civil society organizations of the state and beyond for learning, interaction and dissemination of knowledge on different themes concerning the environment. It also provides scope for publication of theme-specific and research-based articles in the proceedings which is released during the main event, besides providing an opportunity for the professionals to present their papers in various technical sessions. The themes of the previous successive editions were Environment and Water Resources (2010), Environment and Forest (2011), Environment and Energy (2012), Environment and Agriculture (2013), Environment and Climate Change (2014),  Environment: Health and Nutrition (2015), Environment: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (2016),  Environment and Sustainable River Basin Management (2016), Environment and Gandhi (1017),  Environment and Mining (2018), Environment and Biodiversity (2019) Environment and Pandemic (2019), Environment and Tribes (2022) and Environment and Urbanization (2023). For the forthcoming 15th OEC, the theme has been chosen by the organizing committee as ‘Environment and Coast’.


Some key recommendations that emanated from this Congress are as follows: